Thursday, 13 October 2011


Hi everyone, remember me? Sorry it's been so long since I last posted, but I've been really busy with college and university stuff lately. Ok excuses over now, lets get on with this post! 

ShopAlike homepage

I was recently contacted by Beatrix Rossi about doing a review of a new shopping website called She described the site as 'a shopping portal which brings together a full array of shops and products into the one site, therefore making internet shopping easier and faster'. I was happy to do it, because as someone who often spends hours trawling the internet for clothing items, the website concept is definately something that interests me.

On the site's homepage, all the products are organised into clear categories and there is a wide selection of brands. There is also the option of using the search bar. I decided to test how effective the site is by choosing a hypothetical purchase to search for. I tried out both methods of searching (selecting categories and using the search bar) and I found that using the search bar is better if you are looking for something very particular (e.g. a polka dot shirt with and lace collar), as the categories you can select may not be specific enough. If however you just want to browse though a broad selection of something quite vague (e.g a black blazer), selecting from the options is probably the best way to utilize the site. Sometimes, some search results can be a little irrelevant, but was I still able to find what I wanted. Though using ShopAlike I was also introduced to previously unknown (to me) brands that I really like, which is another plus.

A useful tool is the 'sort price' facility, which enables you to sort the search results into price order from lowest to highest. This is definately something that appeals to me as I'm always on the look out for a bargin! But for me the best thing about ShopAlike is the fact it incorporates over 300 partner shops into one website, which cuts out hours of searching though hundreds of different internet shopping locations. I can see myself using this site in the future, next time I need some retail therapy but can't be bothered spending hours searching the interwebz! I would give ShopAlike a rating of 8/10 :)

P.s. I will probably be putting up some outfit posts soon, so you can look forward to those! ;)